Add NEW User

This form will automatically log a support request with our support desk. Once you submit the form you will receive a confirmation email.

Add User
New User’s Name
New User's Name
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Is this a replacement user?

If this is a replacement user make sure to submit a remove user form for the old user. This is a very important step to ensure your invoice is updated accordingly. We WILL NOT remove a user without this form. Please follow this link –

What type of account is required?
Please note if there is no existing user to copy from please list the access required.
Will the new user be using an existing device?
Is a new PC/ laptop / tablet required?
What device is required?
Will the user need to work remotely?
Does the spec need to be higher than normal for any applications, CAD, photoshop etc:
Do they need email setup on their phone?

Submitter’s Details

Enter Email
Confirm Email