Managed Recovery

Disaster Recovery Solutions & Backups

Disaster can strike at any moment. Whether it’s a cyber attack, power outage, system failure, or natural event, unless you have a solid plan in place, these events could prove catastrophic for your business.

Just a few minutes of downtime could grind your business to a halt and cause long-lasting financial and reputational damage.


of small businesses that experience a critical IT failure will close within 6 months

How Ortus can help protect your critical systems and data

In the event of a worst-case scenario, our Disaster Recovery Solutions and Backup services will ensure immediate action is taken to reduce damage, helping your business get back on its feet again within a matter of minutes.

You can be safe in the knowledge that your data is secure and that your systems will be restored with minimal disruption to services.


of businesses with a Disaster Recovery solution in place can fully recover operations

Why Choose Ortus?

Guaranteed 99.9% uptime

Industry-leading Disaster Recovery Solutions

Strategic guidance and advice

Regular automated backups

24/7 monitoring and management

Regular testing

Ongoing support

Secure data centers

Quick and efficient data restoration

Peace of mind

Don’t wait for an IT emergency