
It’s time to overcome the fear of the cloud

Jason McLaughlin


Why do some bosses want to have their company server sitting in a corner of the office, blinking away, rather than in a more efficient, more secure cloud environment?

Why do some still resist the technological advances of the cloud, even when seeing the infinite benefits over the last few months of lockdown?

What is this fear of the cloud?

The answer is the fear of losing control and a lack of understanding of the benefits to be gained from running a business through the cloud.

And if they can see that the server is in the building, they believe it must be safe and secure.

Embrace the cloud

We still see this inherent fear of moving data to the cloud. It can be an age and demographic thing, although that is changing as more and more companies embrace the cloud.

If the Covid-19 crisis has shown us anything, it’s that we are all going to have to work more flexibly in the future. There will be more people working from home on a regular basis, not just in the short term, but probably forever.

There will be a new hybrid working model where people work remotely for part of the week and in the office for the rest. Meetings will need to accommodate the fact that not everyone is in the physical room, but many are connecting remotely.

Data will need to be shared to multiple locations, while security and compliance remain critical.

Messing things up

There can be a misguided fear about giving up that control, but we often see non-technical staff editing file and folder hierarchies and messing things up.

Your MSP (Managed Service Provider) can ensure that all policies and protocols are managed properly, that you are GDPR compliant and that everything is in order, with the right access given to the right staff: no one wants confidential HR and payroll data shared through human error.

There are some bosses who feel that their data is safe and secure from hackers if it is in their building (on-premise), but this too, is false: if it’s connected to the internet, it’s only as safe as the strength of its firewalls and security measures.

We have your back

Our clear message is that “we have your back”. Moving to the cloud will give you and your staff greater flexibility on where they work in future. I know of one Big 4 Accountancy firm that refused to allow their people to work from home.

But through Covid-19, they have discovered that remote working has led to increased productivity, improved efficiency and are looking at changing their work processes for the future.

Being in the cloud enables companies to control their data while giving staff a better quality of life and improving business results. It’s time to get over that fear of the cloud.

For more information about cloud computing with Ortus, click here.