
What is the cloud, and how can it benefit your business?

Businesses are rapidly embracing cloud computing and shifting their IT resources for one simple reason: the cloud offers a long list of benefits that traditional on-premises models can’t match. It’s a game-changer that gives companies a competitive edge, drives efficiencies, and unlocks new opportunities for growth and success. As the most recent annual Flexera State of the ...


It’s time to overcome the fear of the cloud

Why do some bosses want to have their company server sitting in a corner of the office, blinking away, rather than in a more efficient, more secure cloud environment? Why do some still resist the technological advances of the cloud, even when seeing the infinite benefits over the last few months of lockdown? What is ...


What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is mentioned everywhere these days, but what exactly is “Cloud Computing”? It’s accessing emails, data or programs over the internet. Why is this so important? Because in this day and age, people want to access their data and services across different devices from anywhere, at any time. With the recent improvements to Ireland’s ...


Security & Cloud Computing

Data Security is a concerning factor when using any level of Cloud computing and rightfully so, however, there are some misconceptions regarding security threats as well. In this blog post, we will try to filter through the unfounded concerns, to help reduce misperceptions so that more focus can be placed on addressing cloud security threats that ...