
Ransomware – The Digital Pandemic Threatening Your Business

“Ooops, your files have been encrypted!” These are the dreaded words that no one wants to see pop up on their computer screen. But as we’ve seen from the recent attack on the HSE, ransomware remains a major threat to every business and one that must be taken very seriously. The attack on the HSE ...


Is it time to feck your old phone system in the bin?

Is it time to return to the office? We’re helping clients do the reverse of the start of lockdown: making sure office network systems are in place; everything is safe and secure, and employees are able to print. There is also now a big opportunity to upgrade and integrate your entire phone system into Microsoft ...


It’s time to overcome the fear of the cloud

Why do some bosses want to have their company server sitting in a corner of the office, blinking away, rather than in a more efficient, more secure cloud environment? Why do some still resist the technological advances of the cloud, even when seeing the infinite benefits over the last few months of lockdown? What is ...


Why monitoring staff is vital for data security during Covid-19

How important is it to monitor staff when they are working remotely? At a time when the majority of people are locked down due to the Covid-19 crisis, companies need to be sure that their security is maintained – so monitoring is vital. This is not about checking up on whether employees are working productively or ...


Avoid a hefty fine for a damaging data breach

The threat of a data breach during the Covid-19 crisis is a clear and present danger to companies that are not taking the right precautions. But what happens if there is a data breach and the Data Protection Commission are called in – or you call them in yourself? There are 22 questions that a company needs ...


How remote working can boost productivity and wellbeing

The rapid shift to remote working during Phase One of the Covid-19 crisis, getting workers home, has led to a totally different way of working and a fair few good jokes, such as the one about “the elephant in the Zoom”. The initial challenges of ensuring all staff had connectivity and hardware to work from ...


Patient data must be kept confidential and secure

Nothing is more confidential and personal than patient data, so the need to keep it secure and only accessible to the right staff is paramount. There are times when medical staff take pictures of patient wounds to see how the effect of the treatment over time: there is nothing more personal. Or a caregiver giving ...


Working from home is productive – but don’t forget security

There are many ways to improve productivity for those new to working from home during the current Covid-19 crisis – but one thing is paramount: security. For those in the IT Managed Services business, the past few weeks have been incredibly busy as companies face the challenge of getting their workforces up and running to ...


Building & Implementing A Disaster Recovery Plan

Given the current uncertainty and panic over COVID-19, businesses are finding themselves forced to face the unforeseen. But just how prepared are they? While many companies are now encouraging employees to work from home – as Google Ireland and other tech companies are doing – it seems those with the right kind of IT infrastructure are able ...